Silver Facts And Fantasies 2025: CPM And The State Of The Silver Market
This is Part 1 of CPM Group's Silver Facts and Fantasies Online Seminar. In it, Jeffrey Christian discusses the history of available silver data, CPM Group, and our silver price projections, going back to 1981.
Jeff also provides an overview of the current silver market, a long-term view of the price of silver, as well as some of the fundamental factors that effect it.
We would like to thank the sponsors of the Silver Facts and Fantasies Online Seminar.
Silver X Mining
Bear Creek Mining
Monex Precious Metals
Eelo Solutions Capabilities
Electrum Group of Companies
Kitco Media
Metallic Minerals
Sinda Silver
Pan American Silver
Prospector News
Silvercorp Metals
Sunshine Silver
Reyna Silver
#silver #preciousmetals #commodities