Dolly Varden Silver – More High-grade Assays Returned From Wolf Vein Step-Out Drilling At 1,091 g/t Silver over 9.38 Meters
Shawn Khunkhun, President and CEO of Dolly Varden Silver (TSX.V:DV – OTCQX:DOLLF), joins us to review more high-grade silver assays returned from the 2024 exploration program at the Wolf Vein, with step-out drilling returning 1,091 g/t Silver over 9.38 Meters at the Kitsault Valley Project; located in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia, Canada.
We have Shawn outline what this step out drilling at the Wolf Vein means for the ongoing resource expansion in this target area, but also now the inclusion of some solid base metals credits from lead and zinc. Drill hole # DV24-404: 1,091 g/t Ag, 1.35% Pb and 1.40% Zn over 9.38 meters, including 2,505 g/t Ag, 3.42% Pb and 2.88% Zn over 1.63 meters. He also breaks down the 1,400 meter periodicity of the mineralization occurrences; from the Torbrit area, to Wolf, to Moose, to Chance, and why their exploration team is encouraged that there could still be more mineralized zones to be discovered 1,400 meters out from Chance. Shawn also discusses how all of these deposits may potentially tie together in one larger system at depth.
Shawn highlights that while all of these high-grade silver results are tying together nicely, that the drill rigs have now moved up to the Homestake areas to follow up on the high-grade gold intercepts from last year’s drill programs, and that those results are expected to come back in later in September.
If you have any follow up questions for Shawn about Dolly Varden Silver, then please email us at either Fleck@kereport.com or at Shad@kereport.com and then we’ll get those questions addressed by management, or covered in future interviews.
- In full disclosure, Shad is a shareholder of Dolly Varden Silver at the time of this recording.
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