Dolly Varden Silver – More Wide High-grade Gold Assays Returned From The Homestake Silver Area
Shawn Khunkhun, President and CEO of Dolly Varden Silver (TSX.V:DV – OTCQX:DOLLF), joins us to review more wide high-grade gold assays returned from the Homestake Silver Deposit as part of the 2024 exploration program at the Kitsault Valley Project; located in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia.
News out today on November 4th, highlighted 5 more drill holes reported that targeted the plunge of a wide, high-grade zone within the within a wide gap area of previous drilling. The 2024 drill program is finished for the season, with 69 drill holes completed for a total of 31,726 meters; with 41 holes totalling 15,5467 meters, that were drilled at the Dolly Varden area, and 28 holes totalling 16,181 meters that were drilled at Homestake Ridge. Results are pending on an additional 23 drill holes from Homestake Silver, the Wolf area, and property-wide regional exploration drilling.
Highlights from the Homestake Silver Deposit (*intervals shown are core length):
- HR24-432: Mineralized envelope including veins: 8.85 g/t Au and 5 g/t Ag over 48.23 meters, including an internal zone of stronger breccia vein intervals grading 29.24 g/t Au and 16 g/t Ag over 13.94 meters, including one breccia vein grading 701 g/t Au and 184 g/t Ag over 0.54 meters.
- HR24-435: Mineralized envelope including veins: 4.64 g/t Au and 38 g/t Ag over 100.80 meters, including an internal interval of stronger breccia vein mineralization grading 12.23 g/t Au and 84 g/t Ag over 34.93 meters. High grade breccia veins include 166 g/t Au and 675 g/t Ag over 0.97 meters.
Shawn reviews what these wide envelopes of gold mineralization mean to the growth of the Homestake area of the deposit, the balance of gold and silver across the overall Kitsault Valley Project, and how investors should think of the growing resources in relation to changes in the gold:silver ratio. We also review the periodicity of the high-grade silver mineralization in the southern part of the project, and how every 1,400 meters from Torbrit to Wolf to Moose to Chance, there are recurring deposits, and this is helping the team vector in on future targets with ongoing surface sampling and ground truthing work.
If you have any follow up questions for Shawn about Dolly Varden Silver, then please email us at either Fleck@kereport.com or at Shad@kereport.com and then we’ll get those questions addressed by management, or covered in future interviews.
- In full disclosure, Shad is a shareholder of Dolly Varden Silver at the time of this recording
Click here to visit the Dolly Varden Silver website and read over the recent news.