Goliath Resources – Best High-Grade Gold Intercept Returned From The Surebet And Bonanza Zones Returning 34.52 g/t AuEq Over 39 Meters, Including 132.93 g/t AuEq Over 10 Meters
Roger Rosmus, Founder, CEO, & Director of Goliath Resources (TSX.V: GOT) (OTCQB: GOTRF), joins me to review the latest batch of 4 more high-grade gold assay results returned from the Surebet and Bonanza Zones at the Surebet Discovery in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia.
GD-24-260 intercepted the highest concentration of visible gold and its best high-grade gold drill hole to date at the Surebet Discovery from the Bonanza High-Grade Gold Zone that sits ~200 meters above the valley floor level.
- Bonanza Zone: 34.52 g/t AuEq (34.47 Au and 3.96 Ag) over 39.00 meters, including 132.93 g/t AuEq (132.78 Au and 12.98 Ag) over 10.00 meters, and 166.04 g/t AuEq (165.84 Au and 16.07 Ag) over 8.00 meters.
- Surebet Zone: 5.51 g/t AuEq (5.39 g/t Au and 9.82 g/t Ag) over 3.40 meters within 2.96 g/t AuEq (2.89 g/t Au and 5.46 g/t Ag) over 6.35 meters.
GD-24-275 intercepted two separate stacked veins of high-grade gold, silver and base metals corresponding to the Surebet and Bonanza Zones characterized by sulphide rich quartz breccia; both remain wide open:
- Surebet Zone: 5.00 g/t AuEq (4.88 g/t Au and 9.94 g/t Ag) over 6.00 meters, including 6.67 g/t AuEq (6.60 g/t Au and 13.07 g/t Ag) over 4.42 meters.
- Bonanza Zone: 12.01 g/t AuEq (11.70 g/t Au and 25.66 g/t Ag) over 11.00 meters including 16.48 g/t AuEq (16.05 g/t Au and 35.03 g/t Ag) over 8.00 meters.
Drill holes GD-24-252 and GD-24-242 also incepted high-grade gold mineralization over mineable widths in the Surebet, Bonanza, and Golden Gate zones.
We discuss what the team is learning by continuing to expand both areas, of high-grade mineralization, the importance of the mineable average widths and grades, and that the 2024 drill program has essentially doubled the mineralized area of the Bonanza High-Grade Gold Zone from an area 180,000 m2 (720 x 612 x 410 meter triangular area) to 341,000 m2 (835 x 685 x 612 x 410 meter polygon area) that remains wide open.
Assays are still pending on 89 of 105 holes (85%): 50 drilled in 2024 (42 have visible and/or abundant visible gold including coarse-grained visible gold), 13 drilled into the Reduced Intrusive Dykes 2021-2023 (6 have visible and/or abundant visible gold), 14 relogged shoulders 2021 – 2023 (3 have visible and/or abundant visible gold) and 12 drilled into volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) style mineralization at our newly discovered Treasure Island, 40 km to the north of the Surebet system.
If you have any questions for Roger about Goliath Resources, then please email me at Shad@kereport.com and then we’ll get those answered or covered in a future interviews.
- In full disclosure, Shad is a shareholder of Goliath Resources at the time of this recording.