Goliath Resources – Summarizing The Final 2024 Drill Results And Key Takeaways At The Surebet Discovery - Then Looking Ahead To The 2025 Exploration Strategy
Roger Rosmus, Founder, CEO, & Director of Goliath Resources (TSX.V: GOT) (OTCQB: GOTRF), joins me to review the final batches of more high-grade gold assay results from the 2024 drill program, returned from both the reduced intrusion mineralization and multiple new stacked veins at the Surebet and Bonanza Zones at the Surebet Discovery in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia. We also look ahead to the 2025 exploration strategy and program anticipated to kick back off in May.
We start off reviewing the key takeaways from the Surebet Zone, Bonanza Shear and Golden Gate zone, as well as 4 additional new stacked gold veins, now totaling 12 veins stretching vertically over 1.2 km. Last year program was successful in demonstrating the untapped discovery potential and consistent high grades and mineable widths of the gold-mineralized stacked layers in the Surebet system that measures 1.8 km2 and remains wide open.
Another key exploration initiative from the prior exploration program was relogging many drill core intercepts drilled from 2021-2023, where results confirmed multiple intercepts of an intrusion related feeder dyke system that remains open, strongly indicating close proximity to a large gold-rich intrusive source at depth (Reduced Intrusion Related Gold system, RIRG). This reduced intrusion mineralization will continue to be a focus of follow-up relogging and new drill targets for this year’s program, with the plans to get more core sent back off to the assay labs in May, once the team gets mobilized at camp.
We touched briefly upon the regional targets like Treasure Island and Jackpot that did have some indications of gold and silver, but didn’t return assays that were of the same grades as what was seen at surface in the grab and channel samples, so there will be surveys flown and more targeting work done in 2025, to prepare new drill targets for 2026. The focus of the 2025 drill program will mainly be expanding mineralization at the Surbet Discovery along strike, further down in depth below the valley floor, and also doing some infill drilling at 100 meter spacings to connect together isolated holes into a more comprehensive and continuous mineralized model.
Roger also highlighted the strategic investments last year and this year Crescat Capital, Larry Childress, a Singapore-based commodity fund, Rob McEwen. Importantly, in a more recent transaction a strategic C$10,000,000 investment by McEwen Mining Inc. (NYSE: MUX) (TSX: MUX) was made into Goliath Resources; where both companies now have shares and exposure in the respective companies.
If you have any questions for Roger about Goliath Resources, then please email me at Shad@kereport.com and then we’ll get those answered or covered in a future interviews.
In full disclosure, Shad is a shareholder of Goliath Resources at the time of this recording.