Jordan Roy-Byrne - Gold Close To Breaking Out To New Highs In Inflation-adjusted Terms, And Both GDX and GDXJ Close to Breaking Out Above Lateral Price Resistance
Jordan Roy-Byrne, CMT, MFTA, and Editor of The Daily Gold, joins us to review the significance of gold getting close to breaking out to new highs in inflation-adjusted terms, and both GDX and GDXJ are close to breaking out above multi-year lateral pricing resistance.
He is watching these indicators closely to confirm a legitimate breakout in the gold sector, and of course still monitoring for it to break out versus US equities in real terms. We also review gold versus the WTIC oil price, as a good gauge on commodities, inflation, and as a major cost factor in the margins of producers. We also touch on the small to medium cap stocks in the TSX Venture Gold Sub Index (CDNX), and how this could portend to even the junior gold stocks getting close to really breaking out in a significant move.