Robert Sinn – Key MIF Takeaways And Best Strategies For Speculating On Gold, Silver, and Copper Stocks
Robert Sinn, (aka Goldfinger on CEO.ca and CeoTechnican on X) and publisher of Goldfinger Capital on YouTube and Substack, joins me to share his key investing takeaways and overall sentiment from the Metals Investor Forum, along with quite a few best practices for speculating on gold, silver, and copper resource stocks.
This is a very wide-ranging and more longer format discussion where we get into a lot of different topics like position-sizing, when to add to positions versus cut losses, how to play pre-assay and post-assay exploration drill play stories, seasonality, how to evaluate advanced explorers and developers with defined resources or economic studies in place, nuances around merger & acquisition deals, what makes a project more worthy of a takeover, and when are merger of equals transactions a good idea. We also get into the challenges evaluating polymetallic silver or copper or base metals projects, and which kinds of these projects stand out more from Robert’s perspective. We also dig into the attraction he has with companies pursuing porphyry deposits, and which stocks he is most interested in positioning in his own portfolio.