Weekend Show - Doc & Josef Schachter - Investing Strategies For Gold, Silver, Copper, Oil, Nat Gas, Gold and Oil Stocks
Welcome to The KE Report Weekend Show! We are focusing on the resource sector again this weekend with a technical outlook on the metals and a macro assessment on the energy sector, oil and nat gas.
- Segment 1 and 2 - Richard Postma, AKA Doc, kicks off the show by analyzing the performance and sharing his future projections of gold, silver, and copper prices, focused on the technical chart setups. Doc provides an in-depth evaluation of gold's MACD patterns, the performance of gold mining stocks, and the anticipated price movements of copper.
- Segment 3 and 4 - Josef Schachter, Editor of The Schachter Energy Report and Eye on Energy Report, wraps up the show with predictions of the oil and natural gas prices. We discuss the recent decline in oil prices, economic factors affecting oil and gas markets, future rate cuts, and the potential for M&A in the sector. Josef also provides an outlook on the second-quarter earnings and what investors should look out for in the coming months
- Click here to learn more about The Schachter Energy Report and Josef's Catch The Energy Conference in Calgary on October 19th.