Weekend Show - Matt Geiger & Dan Steffens - Investing In Gold, Silver, Oil and Nat Gas Stocks
Welcome to The KE Report Weekend Show! This week was dominated by geopolitical news out of the mid-east. We covered the day to day moves in Daily Editorials so on this Weekend's Show we stick to the larger trends in place for commodities and commodity stocks.
Commodities have drastically outperformed markets this month. How long will it continue? How much more money will rotate into commodities and when will it filter to the junior stocks? We ask all these questions in this Weekend's Show!
Segment 1 and 2 - Matt Geiger, Managing Partner at MJG Capital kicks off the show by sharing his thoughts on the gold and copper prices. We discuss how Matt is viewing private placement opportunities, how he thinks junior companies will fund work programs for this year, and what stocks are set up best to play catch up to the gold price... Click here to learn more about MJG Capital and the resource fund that Matt runs.
Segment 3 and 4 - Dan Steffens, President of the Energy Prospectus Group wraps up the show with a focus on the oil and natural gas sectors. We cover the key drivers of price and Dan shares 2 stocks in his small-cap growth portfolio; Riley Exploration Permian and Surge Energy. We also have Dan outline an upcoming luncheon in Houston he is hosting featuring InPlay Oil. If you want more information on the luncheon please email energyprospecus@gmail.com... Click here to learn more about the Energy Prospectus Group.