Can Farming Shift to Health-Focused Food Production?
Is agriculture ready to pivot from maximizing yields to prioritizing nutrient-rich, health-focused food production? Join Damian in a thought-provoking discussion with Iowa farmer and Ag entrepreneur Kelly Garrett and Ag venture capitalist Carter Williams. Explore the future of farming as surpluses rise, America’s health declines, and consumers demand better nutrition. With terms like “food as medicine,” “nutrient density,” and “health-focused agriculture” becoming the buzzwords of a changing marketplace, this episode unpacks the challenges and opportunities ahead. Tune in to discover how farming can adapt to a health-first future.
The Business of Agriculture Podcast with Damian Mason is Sponsored by:
AGVisorPRO getagvisorpro.com
Redox Bio-Nutrients redoxgrows.com
Gripp Gripp.ag
Also, make sure to check out DamianMason.com, XtremeAg's The Cutting The Curve Podcast and The Granary.
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