Why Is Big Money Flooding into Farmland Right Now?
For years, money flowed into Ag tech—until the tap ran dry. But there’s one area still attracting outside investment: farmland. Ben Gordon and Brian Grundtner from Fractal join Damian to discuss the evolving landscape of capital in agriculture. Their company is pioneering a model where investor funds help farmers acquire land, creating new opportunities for growth. Tune in to explore the financial trends shaping the future of farm ownership!
The Business of Agriculture Podcast with Damian Mason is Sponsored by:
AGVisorPRO getagvisorpro.com
Redox Bio-Nutrients redoxgrows.com
Gripp Gripp.ag
Also, make sure to check out DamianMason.com, XtremeAg's The Cutting The Curve Podcast and The Granary.
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