Why Invest in Farmland? Insights from Canada’s Largest Landowner
Is farmland the ultimate investment? In this insightful episode, Damian sits down with Robert Andjelic, Canada’s largest private farmland owner, to explore the future of agricultural real estate. Despite having no farming background, Robert now owns 250,000 acres of prime Canadian farmland—mostly in Saskatchewan, with holdings in Manitoba and Alberta. After leaving the commercial real estate sector in 2007, Robert turned to farmland, citing water security, climate change, and the decline of arable land worldwide as key factors driving his investment. In this conversation, he shares his perspective on the economics of farmland, global instability, and the shifting agricultural landscape. Tune in to discover why farmland is becoming a sought-after asset and what the future holds for Canadian agriculture. Don’t miss this deep dive into one of the world’s most essential and evolving industries!
The Business of Agriculture Podcast with Damian Mason is Sponsored by:
NewFields Ag https://newfieldsag.com/
Redox Bio-Nutrients redoxgrows.com
Gripp Gripp.ag
Also, make sure to check out DamianMason.com, XtremeAg's The Cutting The Curve Podcast and The Granary.
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