Climate, People and Agriculture With Sarah Nolet and Connie Bowen
Tenacious Ventures: https://tenacious.ventures/
Farmhand Ventures: https://www.farmhandventures.com/
“Navigating a future of cross sectional forces” (AgriFutures Australia Report): https://agrifutures.com.au/product/navigating-a-future-of-cross-sectoral-forces/
Ag’s Scifi (and Non-Fiction) Future: Horizon Scanning… so what? with Shane Thomas: https://tenacious.ventures/insights/ags-scifi-and-non-fiction-future-horizon-scanning-so-what-with-shane-thomas
Citrus Moves North with Farmer and Orangepreneur Lindy Savelle: https://tenacious.ventures/insights/citrus-moves-north-with-farmer-and-orangepreneur-lindy-savelle
FoA 348: Investing in the Future of Fertilizer with Sarah Nolet of Tenacious Ventures: https://futureofagriculture.com/episode/foa-348-investing-in-the-future-of-fertilizer-with-sarah-nolet-of-tenacious-ventures-agtech-so-what-crossover
FoA 112: Accelerating AgTech with Sarah Nolet of AgThentic: https://futureofagriculture.com/episode/future-of-agriculture-112-accelerating-agtech-with-sarah-nolet-of-agthentic
FoA 127: Expanding the Global AgTech Ecosystem with Connie Bowen of The Yield Lab: https://futureofagriculture.com/episode/future-of-agriculture-127-expanding-the-global-agtech-ecosystem-with-connie-bowen-of-the-yield-lab
FOA 220: Agricultural Solutions for Hunger and Poverty with Paul Winters of IFAD: https://futureofagriculture.com/episode/foa-220-agricultural-solutions-for-hunger-and-poverty-with-paul-winters-of-ifad
FoA 260: The Lentil Underground with Dave Oien of Timeless Seeds: https://futureofagriculture.com/episode/foa-260-the-lentil-underground-with-dave-oien-of-timeless-seeds
There are few topics that seem to get people more riled up than climate change. Most of the episodes I’ve done that focus on climate as a theme receive comments from people that seem to think I’m being an alarmist and others thinking that I am drastically underestimating its impacts. I could take this as a sign to avoid the topic altogether, but that’s not really how I roll. I instead take it as a sign that we need to ask more questions and gather more data and context to understand what has everyone so fired up.
And the concept for this episode came to my mind while I was listening to the Agtech, So what? podcast with Sarah Nolet. Specifically, their August episodes which are titled: “Citrus Moves North with Farmer and Orangepreneur Lindy Savelle” and “Ag’s Scifi (and Non-Fiction) Future: Horizon Scanning… so what?” with Shane Thomas. I’ll leave links to both episodes in the show notes.
But both describe this concept of a climate refugee, which put simply is people leaving their home for reasons that could be the result of changes in climate. So citrus producers leaving the state of Florida as one potential example.
In that second episode about Ag’s Scifi Future, Sarah and guests are breaking down a report commissioned by AgriFutures Australia called “Navigating a future of cross-sectoral forces” that you can download for free via a link I’ll leave in the show notes. One of the 10 forces outlined in that report is the emergence of climate refugees, which created an interesting discussion on that episode.
I’ve heard talk about climate refugees before, in fact it’s been mentioned a couple times on this podcast. Episodes 220 and 260 come to mind. But I always thought of it as something that could happen in a worst case scenario in the future, not as something that is happening today. I also found myself wondering if we are attributing to climate change what would be explained by other forces, like regulations and economics. We have a lot of dairies that moved out of California for those reasons, but we don’t call them regulatory refugees. So is this term intentionally dramatic to fit a climate agenda?
I consider Sarah a friend and someone who is very well researched and intellectually honest, so I wanted to invite her back on the show to address some of these questions with her. And in the meantime, I was interviewing Connie Bowen of Farmhand Ventures for an episode about labor and she made the interesting connection between labor challenges and climate change, which I thought fit well in this episode, so you’re getting a bit of a two-for-one episode today with two extremely sharp ag investors.